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**Mentored Graduate Student.
* Mentored Undergraduate Student.


Karalunas, S. L., Dude, J., Figuracion, M., & Lane, S. P. (2024). Momentary dynamics implicate emotional features in the ADHD phenotype. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. [PDF]


McNamara, I. A., Nance, M., Lane, S. P., Trela, C. J., Wood, P. K., Piasecki, T. M., Trull, T. J., & Carpenter, R. W. (2024). Trait impulsivity moderates rate of alcohol consumption in daily life. Addictive behaviors, 152, 107976. [PDF]


Racine, S. E., Bicaker, E., Trolio, V., & Lane, S. P. (2024). Acting impulsively when “upset”: Examining associations among negative urgency, undifferentiated negative affect, and impulsivity using momentary and experimental methods. Journal of Personality. Advance online publication. [PDF]


Osornio, A. C., Lane, S. P., Urizar, G. G., Gonzalez, A., & Halim, M. L. D. (2024). Developmental trajectories of internalizing distress among ethnic minoritized mothers following childbirth: Associations with early child psychological adjustment. Development and Psychopathology, 36(1), 135–143. [PDF]


Maloney, M. A., Napolitano, S. C.**, Lane, S. P., Eckhardt, C. I., & Parrott, D. J. (2024). Emotion differentiation and intimate partner violence: Effects of provocation and alcohol intoxication. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 38(3), 372–382. [PDF]


Haney, A. M., & Lane, S. P. (2023). Religious coping is differentially associated with physiological and subjective distress indicators: Comparing cortisol and self-report patterns. Behavioral Medicine, 1–9.​ [PDF]


Napolitano, S. C.**, Balling, C. E., Peckinpaugh, I.*, Samuel, D. B., & Lane, S. P. (2023). Perceived social support attenuates increased hostile reactions to traumatic threat. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 79(11), 2566–2582. [PDF]


Southward, M. W., Lane, S. P., Shroyer, S. E., & Sauer-Zavala, S. (2023). Do Unified Protocol modules exert general or unique effects on anxiety, depression, and transdiagnostic targets?. Journal of Mood and Anxiety Disorders, 3, 100022. [PDF]


Schmitz, S. E., Niedtfeld, I., Lane, S. P., Seitz, K. I., & Hepp, J. (2023). Negative affect provides a context for increased distrust in the daily lives of individuals with a history of childhood maltreatment. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 36(4), 808–819. [PDF]


Fortea, L., Tortella-Feliu, M., Juaneda-Seguí, A., De la Peña-Arteaga, V., Chavarría-Elizondo, P., Prat-Torres, L., Soriano-Mas, C., Lane, S. P., Radua, J., & Fullana, M. A. (2023). Development and validation of a smartphone-based app for the longitudinal assessment of anxiety in daily life. Assessment, 30(4), 959–968. [PDF]

​Hepp, J., Klein, S. A., Horsten, L. K., Urbild, J., & Lane, S. P. (2023). Introduction and behavioral validation of the climate change distress and impairment scale. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 11272. [PDF]


Du, T. V., Lane, S. P., Miller, J. D., & Lynam, D. R. (2024). Momentary assessment of the relations between narcissistic traits, interpersonal behaviors, and aggression. Journal of Personality, 92(2), 405–420. [PDF]


Hill, K.E., Haney, A.M., Foti, D., Thomas, K.M, & Lane, S.P. (2023). Temporal dynamics of emotional processing: Parsing trial-wise variance of the Late Positive Potential using Generalizability Theory. Psychophysiology, 60, e14185. [PDF]


​​Lane, S.P., & Kelleher, B.L. (2023). Statistical power for longitudinal developmental trajectories: The (non-) impact of age matching within measurement occasions. Developmental Psychology, 59, 207-215. [PDF]


Lane, S. P., Aslinger, E. N.**, & Shrout, P. E. (2023). Reliability. In H. Cooper, M. N. Coutanche, L. M. McMullen, A. T. Panter, D. Rindskopf, & K. J. Sher (Eds.), APA handbook of research methods in psychology: Foundations, planning, measures, and psychometrics (2nd ed., pp. 723–743). American Psychological Association. [PDF]


The Regulation, Emotion, Addiction, and Conflict Trajectories Lab
University of Missouri
Department of Psychological Sciences

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