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Principal Investigator


Dr. Sean Lane

Dr. Sean Lane is an Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology. His substantive research focuses on emotion regulation processes, their downstream effects on health and relationship outcomes, and how these processes differ between healthy and clinical subgroups. He applies and develops statistical methodologies, with a focus on nonlinear models and dynamic systems in characterizing these processes. He has also applied these methods in more substantive research, including the optimization of alcohol use disorder classification and the role of alcohol use as an antecedent, consequent, and modifier of emotion regulation processes. His recent quantitative work (R01AA027264) involves developing methods for conducting power analyses for complex statistical models, including providing recommendations for starting parameters and feasible ranges under uncertainty. These methods are actively being built into an intuitive user interface guided by principles from user-centered design.

Graduate Students



Undergrad RAs



Lab Mascot

PARSEC the peanut butter pillow (i.e., peanut butter filled pretzel) is the REACT lab mascot. He makes appearances in the form of slack reactions, attends lab meetings, and may appear on lab apparel. Lab members enjoy his positive energy!

Parsec MU.png


Annika Galloway was a research assistant during the summer of 2024 researching symptoms of alcohol use disorder that are more prevalent in those with bulimia nervosa.

Isabella Peckinpaugh was a research assistant from 2022-2024. She is now a Lab Manager in Dr. Maital Neta's Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (CAN) Lab at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Alec Pedersen joined the REACT Lab in the Fall of 2020 as an undergraduate research assistant and after graduation in 2021 he stayed as a lab manager til 2023. Now Alec is a Ski & Snowboard Instructor in California.

Hailey Quintavalle joined the lab as a research assistant in the summer of 2023 through the University of Missouri’s summer research program.

Katie Jabaay joined the lab as a research assistant in the summer of 2023 through the University of Missouri’s summer research program.

Arija Simonaitis was a research assistant from 2021 - 2023. She is now enrolled at in a JD program at the University of Michigan.

Kara Moore was a research assistant from 2022 - 2023. She is now enrolled in a Master's of Social Work at IUPUI.

Belle Hineshaw was a research assistant from 2022 - 2023. 

Ramya Anabarasu was a research assistant from 2022 - 2023. She is now enrolled in a Master's of Human Resource Management at Purdue.

Elizabeth Aslinger (PhD) was a graduate student in the REACT Lab from 2017 to 2022. She completed a PhD in Mathematical and Computational Psychology and is now a postdoc at Yale.

Katie Juarez was a research assistant from 2020 to 2022. 

Sarah Jackson was a research assistant from 2021 to 2022. She is now a Clinical Research Technician at Indiana University. 

Jillian Yakel was a research assistant from 2021 to 2022. She now works as a Crisis Services Sponsor and as a Eating Disorder Technician.

Rhema Merigala was a research assistant
 from 2021 - 2022.

Daniella Ferrante was a research assistant during the Summer of 2021

Christine Rodriguez was a research assistant
 during the Summer of 2021. 

Jordan Harris was a research assistant
 from 2020 - 2021. She now works as a Literacy Specialist at IUPUI.

Jack Behr was a research assistant
 in the from 2020 - 2021.  He is now enrolled in PsyD program at Wright State University.

Kanika Garg was a research assisstant during the Fall of 2021.

Sydney Thoma 
was a research assisstant during the Fall of 2021.

Abigail McDonald was a research assisstant from 2019 - 2020. She is now enrolled in a Clinical Psychology PhD program at Arizona State University.

Cassandra Trumbower 
was a research assisstant from 2019 - 2020. 

Selena (Amador) Scott was a research assisstant in the REACT Lab from 2018 - 2019. She went on to receive her M.S. in Biostatistics at the University of Michigan, and is currently working on a M.S. in Information Systems.

The Regulation, Emotion, Addiction, and Conflict Trajectories Lab
University of Missouri
Department of Psychological Sciences

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